
Keeping Your Water Healthy

Diatomix contains super-concentrated natural elements that bring the natural balance back to ponds, lakes and dams by enhancing the growth of the right plants and animals that live in the water.

When To Treat Water With Diatomix

In Australia and New Zealand, Diatomix is the only natural method we know of for controlling algae blooms, especially the toxic ones. It is also excellent for reducing the levels of nutrient so that the larger types of water weeds like string algae, azolla, hyacinth and salvinia. If your water is susceptible to algal blooms at certain times of the year, then it makes sense to manage your water in the long term, to ensure that you remove the susceptibility and don’t face a bloom each year.

How Often to Use Diatomix

By using a reduced dose of Diatomix at recommended times, the diatoms that grow are going to absorb the nutrients that other algae might otherwise use to bloom. As we have outlined, because diatoms get eaten by zooplankton, those nutrients move up the food chain, rather than being re-released when the algae dies, as would happen with other algae types that bloom and then die, without being eaten. By managing your water with Diatomix on a regular basis you can be more confident that your water is not going to bloom with a toxic algae like cyanobacteria.

What are Blue-Green Algae and Cyanobacteria?

Cyanobacteria and Blue-Green Algae are two names for the same group of organisms. They are bacteria that have the capability to use photosynthesis as a source of energy, just like algae do. Their cell structure is more like bacteria than like plants, and this is why they are classified with the word bacteria in their name. They grow in all types of water from fresh to sea water, with many growing in slightly salty water (brackish) as well.

What are the Differences between Blue-Green Algae and Diatoms?

There are many more species of toxic cyanobacteria that cause problems than algae, and only a few species of toxic algae. With diatom algae, only one species, Pseudo-nitzschia australis, has been found to cause toxic blooms.

When cyanobacteria die, the cells float to the surface and begin to decompose. The bacteria that decompose the dead algae use up the oxygen and the floating dead cells prevent oxygen exchange at the surface, and this all adds up to the conditions where the levels of dissolved oxygen can go dangerously low and this is when fish kills occur.

To find out about ordering Diatomix to manage your water and remove or prevent toxic and other algae blooms and get rid of floating weeds, contact us on through the Sales page.